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Cardinal Griffin

New academic year messages

We hope that you've all had a great summer holiday, filled with fun, relaxation and just a little bit of homework!

It's important that we start the new academic year as we mean to go on, so please take the time to read through the messages below.


Please ensure that all students are in full college uniform on Tuesday 5th September.  Our Uniform Policy contains all of the relevant information with regards our expectations.  If students have had false nails and nail varnish on for summer, these must be removed before returning to college.  Likewise, hair colours should be natural and haircuts must adhere to our policy rules.  As per our policy, hair below the shoulder should be tied back, and earrings should be removed.


We ask that all students are on site by around 8.30am, ready for lining up in Formation groups at 8.40am.  We recommend that bags are packed and uniform is laid out the night before to avoid the frantic morning rush!


Please ensure that all summer homework tasks have been completed.  Teachers will be asking for evidence that these have been completed.


We look forward to seeing you all next week!